Balanced Swimming Pool - Pool Water Balanced

4 Tips for Keeping your Pool Water Balanced

Enjoy these easy tips on how to keep your swimming pool water balanced.

Balance is an important element of life, but it is also essential for a clean, healthy swimming pool. We are talking about the chemical balance of your pool, of course, which depends on you to maintain at an even keel. A good balance of chemicals ensures your water remains clean and safe for swimming and prevents a host of problems like algae infestations. Here are four tips to help keep your pool water balanced so it is ready for swimming all summer long.

Take the Test

The first step in maintaining proper balance in your pool is regular testing of your pool water. This will tell you if all the chemicals are present in your pool in the appropriate amounts. You can easily test your pool water at home, and you should do so every week. However, it is also a good idea to get a really thorough test run at a professional pool company every month or two. Is it a hassle to take your pool water in? Yes. Is it worth the hassle to find problems earlier rather than later? Absolutely. Grab your coffee one Saturday a month and take a drive to your pool place. Your pool will surely thank you for the effort.

Keep a Stock

You will need to add chemicals to your pool from time to time, so make it easy on yourself and keep the necessary substances on hand. Bear in mind that pool chemicals are hazardous substances that should be kept clear of pets and kids. Keep yours locked in a shed or pool storage locker until you need them. You also want to check expiration dates before using chemicals to ensure they are still usable. Don protective gear like rubber gloves whenever handling pool chemicals.

Go into Shock

Shocking your pool every week is one of the easiest ways to maintain balance. Shocking the pool oxidizes chlorine molecules so they work better in your water. You can choose an oxidizer or a hydrogen-peroxide solution for the shock treatment. Try maintaining a schedule of every week or two, but do so immediately if you detect algae in your water or your chlorine sticks run dry

Say No to Algae

Algae are tricky microorganisms that float into your pool area and show up when you least expect them. Some kinds of algae, like the bright green kind, are pretty common and fairly easy to get rid of. Other types, like yellow or black, are a lot more stubborn. The best treatment for algae is prevention through regular pool maintenance. Try using a few ounces of algaecide each week as a preventative measure to keep stray spores at bay. It is also important to clean the skimmer basket frequently so spores can’t make themselves at home.

Balance is an important component of a healthy life, and it is essential for a healthy pool. Fortunately it is much easier to keep your pool water in balance than it is to manage the rest of your life. These four easy steps will keep chemicals in check and your pool water as clean and safe as possible.