Swimming Pool

Choosing the Plaster Finish for Your Swimming Pool

So you’ve decided on a plaster finish for you pool, but have you narrowed it down to the type of plaster? The plaster you choose for your swimming pool is important not only for its appearance, but for strength and the longevity purposes. One of the most common finishes is the marble white plaster; however there are countless other options to investigate while you are on your pool-building journey. You may desire a look that is smooth as satin, or perhaps you would prefer a textured appearance; either way, choosing the right plastering finish is important not only for the design, but also the function of the pool.

Know the Pros and Cons

There is no such thing as the perfect plaster. Each type will have its pros and cons, and each one should be thoroughly and carefully evaluated for cost, durability and required maintenance routines before being you settle on a particular one. An experienced, professional pool contractor should carefully explain the types of plaster to you in terms that will allow you to make the right selection, while keeping your ideal design and budget in mind.

No Finish is Ever Perfectly Permanent

Keep in mind that all finishes are exposed not only to water, but the chemicals used to keep the water clear and sanitary. The constant wear and tear of the water and chemicals will affect the color of the plaster finish, as well as the texture. Improper use of chemicals can make the plaster finish crack, peel or break up faster, in addition to allowing algae or other organisms to increase on the water’s surface. This not only changes the water quality and the finish of the pool, but potentially makes the pool dangerous to swimmers.