Diagnosing Swimming Pool Leaks

Diagnosing Swimming Pool Leaks

Learn about how to spot a leak in your swimming pool.

Do you suspect a leak in your backyard swimming pool? Leaks are a fairly common problem with all types of residential pools, but diagnosing and correcting the problem can be easier said than done. Some leaks require professional assistance to treat, but others can be managed by the pool owner. This article will provide some basic tips on how to determine if you have a leak and precisely where the leak is located.

Is it a Leak or Evaporation?

Many pool owners assume they have a leak in their pool if they notice their water level going down. While this may indeed be an indication of a leak somewhere within the pool, water loss can be due to other factors as well. Have a number of children been splashing around in your pool recently? The water loss could be due to excessive splashing. Have you seen a particularly hot streak of weather? This may result in evaporation of pool water. You will need to determine the reason for the water loss before moving forward with locating and repairing a swimming pool leak.

The easiest way to determine whether your water loss is due to a leak or simple evaporation is to perform the bucket test. Fill a bucket with pool water and place it on the step of your pool. You can put a stone inside the bucket to hold it in place. Put a mark inside the bucket to indicate the water level inside the container, and a mark outside the bucket to show the water level of the pool. Wait 24 hours and then check the marks. If the water levels inside and outside the bucket have remained consistent, the water loss is probably due to evaporation. However, if the water outside the bucket has gone down at a faster rate than the water inside the bucket, a leak may be suspected.

Pinpointing the Leak

Once you determine that a leak is indeed the culprit in your water loss, you will need to figure out where the leak is located. While some pool owners will need to turn to a professional for this task, it is a good idea to try to find the source on your own first. Begin by placing a few drops of dye test solution into your pool and see where it goes. If it is sucked into a gap or tear in the pool lining, you have found your leak.

You can also turn off your pool filter and allow the water level to go down until you find the source of the leak. This can be helpful if the leak is located in the skimmer or filtration system, or around an underwater light. Keep in mind the pools with vinyl liners need water in them at all times. If the water level in your vinyl pool begins to drop too rapidly, you will need to add water and call a pool professional right away to prevent further damage to your pool.

Once you determine the precise location of your swimming pool leak, you can evaluate whether the repair can be done by you or requires professional assistance. The good news is that most pool leaks can now be repaired with minimal disruption to your swimming season.