Swimming Pool

DIY Pool Maintenance Basics

To ensure your pool or spa stays beautiful and properly functioning for a long time, there are some vital maintenance tips with which you need to familiarize yourself. Before your pool contractor leaves the work site, he should explain the treatment and care methods of your new backyard addition thoroughly. Each contractor will have particular methods and materials that are recommended for your specific pool.

The Right Chemicals

Your swimming pool or spa will stay fresh and new looking for a longer period of time if you are using the right chemicals to maintain the water’s purity and quality. If you are using chemicals that are too strong or too harsh, the plaster finish may flake or peel, which will eventually be the source of costly and time-consuming repairs. On the opposite end of the spectrum, chemicals that are not strong enough will allow bacteria to accumulate in the water, which can lead to it turning green or make the swimmers ill.

Using a Cover

In addition to using the right chemicals for your pool or spa, there is the consideration of using a cover to make sure leaves and other debris do not add to the work of keeping the water clean. While in some areas, using a skimmer or net for small debris is okay, if the pool is set among plants or trees for a more natural look, then a cover is necessary.

Hiring a Pool or Spa Cleaning Service

Hiring a pool or spa service is a possibility, especially for those who are too busy to keep up with the maintenance but want the pool to be clean and sparkling whenever they are able to get out there to relax.